In bittorrent it is important to keep the swarm as evenly connected as possible. Clustering of peers may create bottlenecks for piece distribution and create a skewed market for trading pieces. Keep in mind that local piece availability is used as an approximation for global piece availability in the rarest-first piece picking algorithm. This post . . .
One of the vulnerabilities of typical DHTs, in particular the bittorrent DHT, is the fact that participants can choose their own node ID. This enables an attacker to deliberately place themselves at a locaton in the DHT where they know they will be responsible for storing some specific data. At that point, there are a few naughty things . . .
This article is an attempt to sum up a small number of generic rules that appear to be useful rules of thumb when creating high performing programs. It is structured by first establishing some fundamental causes of performance hits followed by their extensions. memory latency A significant source of performance degradation on modern computers is the . . .